The Books

Finn Jones Was Here

Finn Jones Was Here

by Simon James Green

ISBN: 9781839942730

Eric's best friend, Finn Jones, was the world's most enthusiastic prankster. Was, because Finn died recently of an illness...Or did he? Finn is sending Eric messages from beyond the grave - and it must be because this is Finn's biggest prank ever, faking his own death! As Eric follows Finn's cryptic instructions for various challenges, he goes down memory lane and through a bucket list that Finn never got to do himself. A story about accepting grief, and ultimately embracing the joys and opportunities of life, making every minute count.


Diana - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I really liked this book, and I liked how moving it was, while also being really funny, with a really clever plotline. I liked the twist at the end too. The only things I found less likeable were the illustrations, which didn't really match the rest of the theme of the book, but the writing was good.

Amelie - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I really enjoyed this book because it was very moving and funny. I think that it could be improved by not having any illustrations as I think that they were a bit young for this book, it would have been better with no illustrations.

Hana - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

A very heartfelt and moving book but also mixed in with humour

Zitel - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I extremely enjoyed this book. It was very heart warming funny and real. I personally enjoyed the illustration as it adds to the sweet feeling

Susan - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

This book is a brilliant, packed book with a devestating plot from the point of view a person who has lost someone close to them. This is great for readers who enjoy an emotional story - which is me! It's a very mature and sad book but the front cover is quite childish and could be confused as a year Year 4/5 book. Despite that, it is a brilliant and wonderful book. 5 stars!

Jenny - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

The trip he went on was funny especially some parts : dressing as a unicorn at a funeral. But the topic was shown across really well. It was a bit disappointing at the end where all through the book a sense of hope is captured but at the end it all comes shattering down and he realises the truth. I think that the pictures in the book where a bit young for the topic it makes it seem like a book aimed at year 4 or year 5 but it is not.

Hawwa - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

Sad, heart warming book the pictures definitely gave a nice touch of humour but it seems like something for a 7 year old but it isn't. The book is dedicated to loss and life. Not my normal read but a nice change.

Georgie - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

This book is a brilliant book. It made me laugh and cry at the same time. It's funny but has a sad twist at the end. The author has been extremely creative and imaginative when writing this book the illustrator has drawn some awesome pictures to0 .The only thing was the front cover looks like the book has been made for younger people then it should. It's a sad book and sometimes can be a little challenging, but still great.

Tabi - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

This was a amazing book and I am very happy I read it as it was a emotional rollarcoaster. One second I could be on the brink of tears and the next I was filled to the brim with joy! I am very happy I read this - what an amazing book!

Sarah - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I quite liked this book with the adventure elements and not knowing what’s going to come next.

Charlotte - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

It was an incredibly written book that I really enjoyed. It was an emotional rollarcoaster that was really good and made me realise that different people deal with grief so differently and that Finn Jones must have been a very good friend.

Hoorain - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I really enjoyed this book because of the inside jokes that Finn and Eric had between each other like at Finns "funeral" when Eric has to read out the goofy speech filled with laughter and memories of their time together . The main mystery itself I could predict but all the funny clues (like the messages from men in suits or having to dig up his front yard) for his journey made him realise how great his friendship was. I also loved how it was very relatable to my age group (the main characters are the same age as me) so that's why I got everything such as the jokes ,references and everything. It was a plesure reading this book. Thank you!

Emily - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I loved this book because it held a lot of suspense along the journey and It was very funny but also heart breaking. I got quite into it as well.

Miriam - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I actually liked this book. I thought it was a bit sad and also funny.

Kristen - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I like sad stories and I think that this one was really deep and sad

Charlotte - Bramcote College - 2025

I personally didn’t really like the way it was written but it is still a good story and I can see why some people would like an interesting treasure hunt with a twist at the end. I would recommend this for people how like books which are written as a diary. I don’t think this book is for me.

Amaira - Bramcote College - 2025

I enjoyed this book a-lot. It is a funny and adventurous book with a brave and resilient main character. I think this book is perfect for people who like comedy and adventure.

Milena - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I really liked how even though Finn is dead, Eric doesn't believe it and he thinks that at the end of the treasure hunt Finn will be there but he can't because Finn is dead. But I thought it was quite a somber topic because it involves death and sadness but it is a really nice story and I really enjoyed it.

Elodie - Bramcote College - 2025

Eric - a schoolboy – is on a mission set by his best friend, Finn Jones who recently died from an illness … or so we are led to believe. Eric must travel all around the country completing challenges, facing fears and being reminded of the happy memories the boys made together. This is a very heart-felt book that takes us on a journey of life’s joy and grief. I highly recommend this book and hope anyone who reads it enjoys is as much as I did.

Jemimah - Magnus Church of England Academy - 2025

This a very funny book but it might also make you cry as it can be sad in places.

Jaxon - Magnus Church of England Academy - 2025

This book was so sad, but I still loved it a lot.

Faye - Bramcote College - 2025

This was a great read that I would recommend to people who like a laugh with an unexpected plot twist at the end and funny reference to the author . I LOVED this book!

Abubakar - Bramcote College - 2025

A great book that teaches about loss and friendships. You gets you really good in the emotions

Taylor - Bramcote College - 2025

I loved the comedy for this book and I loved the challenges along the way because I now want to try them for myself! So I think this book is for all ages because of all the comedy and adventure in this book!

Sophie - Outwood Academy Kirkby - 2025

I enjoyed it but I found it a little bit confusing . Not my cuppa tea

Annie - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

This book was sad and heartwarming and funny all at once. The plot was also very clever- I liked how it all came together at the end. Eric believing Finn was alive makes it more sad, but also true to life. I agree that the illustrations didn't really match the theme though.

Hareem - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I enjoyed reading this book. The book was very moving and really sad. The journey through the book was quite suspenseful . It was well written and had an amazing plot.

Esme - Bramcote College - 2025

A heartwarming story about loss, grief, and overcoming fears. I loved how the author added an element of humor as well. the storyline was amazing, and the end satisfied me in the sense that everything that the story left as a cliffhanger during the book was wrapped up nicely and were well spaced apart. It was a very easy to read book, with times when I felt like I could cry and laugh at the same time.

Minnie - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I liked this book as it has a very clever and had a good story line. It also has younger style pictures that lighten the mood of the book. This book is a perfect mix of funny, sweet and sad.

Bethan - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

Clever, sweet, sad and VERY funny. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Sophia - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

This was a great book,I would definitely recommend to others and my favourite part was when a seagull came down to him and winked at him.

Imogen - Bramcote College - 2025

I Love Finn jones was here, it is sad and funny at the same time . I love the ending and how it finally reveals the answer that people have been waiting for the entirety of this book it has to be one of my favourite books I have read so far.

Isaac - Bramcote College - 2025

This is one of my favorite books in a long time. I thought the storyline was great and the fact Eric made a new friend and came out his comfort zone.

Robyn - Bramcote College - 2025

This was a very funny book about Eric friend Finn dying and sending Eric on a treasure hunt.

Niamh - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I thought this book was easy to follow with an exciting but moving story line. It was brilliant!

Nisa - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I really enjoyed this book. I really liked the characters of Eric and Cooper, I also liked how Finn left the treasure hunt for his best friend to find himself and face his fears.

Kitty - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

This book was an amazing book to have had the privilege to read. It portrayed all the difficulties of life, while also balancing the sad with the funny.

Komal - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

This was a heart warming book. It was amazing and l loved it because it was sad and funny at the same time and it was a mystery but it was very long in the middle.

Emma - Nottingham Girls High School - 2025

I liked that Eric did everything for his friend no matter what. Eric tried to believe that Finn was still there even though he was not. It shows what true friendship is.

Tarran - Bramcote College - 2025

Really great! I loved all of it. My favorite part was little manga thing. Most parts were great But some are amazing! I think I would recommend to people who like Adventure or Traveling.

Ralfs - Outwood Academy Kirkby - 2025

The best book from this year's BBA. Very emotional yet comedic at the same time. The message from Finn at the end of the book broke my heart.

Connie - Bramcote College - 2025

When I read the book I thoroughly enjoyed it. It had up's and downs like most books do, but these one's made you giggle and cry in good ways. My favourite part was right at the beginning when Eric and his mum went to his funeral and were dressed up as unicorn and no-one else was!