The Books

Ghost Boys

Ghost Boys

by Jewell Parker Rhodes

ISBN: 9781510104396

Twelve-year-old Jerome doesn't get into trouble. He goes to school. He does his homework. He takes care of his little sister. Then Jerome is shot by a police officer who mistakes his toy gun for a real threat. As a ghost, watching his family trying to cope with his death, Jerome begins to notice other ghost boys. Each boy has a story and they all have something in common. Bit by bit, Jerome begins to understand what really happened - not just to him, but to all of the ghost boys. A poignant and gripping story about how children and families face the complexities of race in today's world.


Aidan - Outwood Academy Kirkby - 2019

I think that it shows that not all people have rights that should and should have a chance

Jake - Outwood Academy Kirkby - 2019

This book is an amazing for young people who read books with a twist and thrill its all about young Jerome who was shot by a white police officer and his family is stuck and broken mourning over him 24hrs this book truly is a side story twisting emotional thrill

Bradley - Outwood Academy Kirkby - 2019

It tells the story of racism and tell that things were different back then and police shouldn't approach people and shoot without a warning so it tells a good moral

Kyle - Outwood Academy Kirkby - 2019

Really good book shows people the area of Chicago for people who haven't visited America with facts about racism and history.

Chloe - Outwood Academy Kirkby - 2019

I really enjoyed this book because it explains a lot and I would really recommend for people to read this book as it explains more of everything that happens today with bullying, racism, shooting, bombing, drug addicts and more but I would love to read this book again hopefully.

Abigail - Kimberley School - 2019

I really enjoyed this book. To me it was a real page turner and I really agree with the statement on the front of the book 'no one should have to tell this tale again'. It was a really good book and one of the only books I really enjoyed.

Catherine - All Saints Catholic Voluntary Academy - 2019

A very touching story and just shows us what the world was and is like and how people get hurt just because of their skin colour. people forget that everybody is equal no matter what and just because they have a different skin colour doesn't mean that they have done wrong or they don't get to do the things we do. we all have rights. This book was brilliant and I would definitely recommend.

Saanvi - Nottingham Girls High School - 2019

It was a nice book that showed people that racism is wrong and that many people have died due to racial prejudice. But I found the book was too short and that all the events went quite quickly and some parts were less descriptive. Overall, I liked the book and its' main plot outline. I also liked how it used a real story of a black boy who got killed due to racial prejudice.

Erin - Kimberley School - 2019

A heart moving novel about love, friendship and rights for all. When a police officer accidentally shoots a young boy his daughter finds that there's more to the story then meets the eye.

Ollie - Kimberley School - 2019

Amazing! The story is about a boy called Jerome who was shot by a policeman who thought his toy gun was real. What I like about the story is that it switches between life and death. Life is the events leading up to death and death is the events after. At the start it is quite confusing but as you read on it becomes clearer. A mysterious book is the description of this relish on pages.

Angela - Nottingham Girls High School - 2019

I really enjoyed this book I loved how it brought a real life situation into a childrens book and I really liked how they included a real life person.

Jessica - All Saints Catholic Voluntary Academy - 2019

I really liked this book, it was something I really wanted to read from just the blurb; it was intriguing, realistic and sad at the same time.

Oscar - Kimberley School - 2019

This book reflects on key social issues in a polarizing times when (especially in the US) racial tensions are high and governments are failing to act. This will help children privileged and with powerful parents to act. In the end, it shows how responsible those with power to act and that the poor are as valuable as the rich.

Jaia - Nottingham Girls High School - 2019

I thought Ghost Boys was a very exciting and fast-paced novel. However, at the start it was a bit confusing as it went back and forth from different points when he was alive and when he was dead. Overall the book was very moving and it woke me up and caused me to think.

Elyssa - Nottingham Girls High School - 2019

I enjoyed this book because it had strong description and was fast moving. However, I found it quite repetitive because the same sort of thing happened over and over again.

Nitya - Nottingham Girls High School - 2019

I thought that this book had a very good plot, as it seemed really realistic. I think that making a book seem realistic is a really hard thing to do, so I think this author managed it well.

Lottie - Nottingham Girls High School - 2019

This was a great book with action from the start. I liked the way he saw how other people behaved after his death.

Amelie - Nottingham Girls High School - 2019

I really enjoyed 'Ghost Boys'. I loved how much meaning there was. I loved the concept of making a difference.