The Books

ISBN: 9781911490708
William - Rushcliffe Spencer Academy - 2021
This book was overall, decent. Though it started slowly, as the story progressed you really got to know the main characters and became invested in their stories. Tom is really a technical whizz, antisocial, unwilling to commit to friendships and physically impaired. But this story goes to show how much a person can really grow when they meet some worthwhile friends. A great Bond-like adventure, foiling a terrorist plot with a keenness of mind and a bit of action thrown in there too. Maggie adds a lot to the story, always believing in Tom, standing by his motives no matter what occurs. And her sibling Joel's fascination with nature and wildlife really strengthens the tale. Snakey and his Gang are the stereotypical bullies in this book, just simple obstacles for the hero to overcome, but a great story anyway.
Grace - Outwood Academy Kirkby - 2021
I really enjoyed Spylark. Its a really good book. I like that the children are the main characters and they solve the whole mystery themselves. I think that it is really inspiring because it helps Tom to make more friends. This books teaches children about how to overcome their fears and how not to be afraid to make new friends.
Ruqaiyah - Nottingham Girls High School - 2021
I really enjoyed reading Spylark. I loved how the author started the book from the view of the drone- the effect was incredible. The characters: Tom, Maggie, Joel, Jim and Aunt Emily were put across really well. The plot was breathtaking. As soon as I thought I knew what was going on, the storyline completely changed. Spylark is a mixture of adventure and mystery- definitely a book I would recommend to others.
Anjali - Nottingham Girls High School - 2021
This book seems like an amazing choice for anyone who enjoys a bit of a mystery. I didn’t fully enjoy this book because it wasn’t too engaging for me as it wasn’t something I’d usually read and it just wasn’t my cup of tea. I feel that other readers would enjoy this book though as it has a nice storyline and an interesting ending.
Miley - Outwood Academy Kirkby - 2021
Spylark was a really good book I would recommend for anybody who likes technology and Si-Fi books or movies.
Nancy - Nottingham Girls High School - 2021
Spylark was a really good book. I think Danny Rurlander must be a amazing author. The drone was a really good idea.
Sharini - Nottingham Girls High School - 2021
Skylark was a good book however it didn’t engage me that much since it had a slow start. At the end it was really good though and the plot was a great idea. I love how the characters were put across.
Luke - Kimberley School - 2021
This book is full to the brim with action and excitement. It always keeps the reader involved in the action - when the story is tense, your heart beats quickly like Tom's would. I 100% rate this app 5 stars, and the book in 3 words - action, mystery and adventure - is a perfect summary and I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes action-packed reads. Definitely deserves 5 stars.